Hiring for new Emmy Noether Group

I got awarded an Emmy Noether research group on “EEG in motion” by the DFG 🎉! I’m therefore hiring

2 x 100% TVL13 Positions for PhD or PostDoc

In this Emmy Noether funded project, we will investigate conceptual, methodological, and physiological foundations of EEG combined with eye-, self- and object-motion. One position will focus on the methodological and physiological problems when combining smooth pursuit eye-movements and EEG. The second position will focus on methodological and computational problems when combining object motion (e.g. video watching) with EEG. Both projects are closely related to the core of the lab. Further details can be found on www.s-ccs.de/emmynoether or directly in the job posting.

I’m grateful if you can share the news about the positions with your students and researchers!

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