Random Plot (constricting radial sinus)
This was the result of a (inconclusive) test of how the blind spot fills in things

theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50).'; KbName('UnifyKeyNames') Factor = 10; figure while true [X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(-pi,pi,1000),linspace(-pi,pi,1000)); dist = sqrt((X.^2 + Y.^2)); imagesc(sin(dist*Factor)) colormap('gray'), axis equal drawnow; [~,keyCode] = KbWait; kb = KbName(find(keyCode)); if ~iscell(kb) switch kb case 'LeftArrow' Factor = 0.9*Factor; case 'RightArrow' Factor = 1.1*Factor; case 'Esc' continue % break end % display(kb) end end